How Much To Charge for Real Estate Videography

As the real estate industry becomes more competitive, agents and property owners increasingly turn to high-quality videography to showcase their properties. Real estate videography is a compelling way to provide potential buyers with a comprehensive view of a property, highlighting its features and ambiance. If you're a videographer entering this market, determining how much to charge can be challenging. In this blog post, we'll talk about various factors to consider when setting your rates for real estate videography services, ensuring you balance competitiveness with profitability.

1. Understanding the Market Rates

Before setting your rates, it's essential to understand the current market rates for professional real estate videography in your area. Rates can vary significantly based on location, competition, and the quality of services provided. For instance, urban areas with higher living costs and more competition may command higher rates than rural locations. Researching what other videographers charge in your area will provide a benchmark to ensure your pricing is neither too high nor too low.

  • Low-end services: $200-$500 per video.

  • Mid-range services: $500-$1,000 per video.

  • High-end services: $1,000 and above per video.

These are rough estimates, and actual rates can vary based on other factors such as experience, equipment, and specific client needs.

2. Evaluating Your Skill Level and Experience

Your level of expertise and experience is a significant factor in determining your rates. If you’re just starting, you may need to set lower rates to attract clients and build your portfolio. As you gain experience and improve your skills, you can gradually increase your rates to reflect your expertise. Experienced videographers with a robust portfolio can command higher prices due to their proven track record of delivering high-quality work.

Beginner videographers: Consider starting with lower rates, around $200-$400 per video.

  • Intermediate videographers: With some experience and a portfolio, rates between $400-$800 are reasonable.

  • Expert videographers: Professionals with extensive experience and a solid portfolio can charge $800-$2,000 or more.

3. Calculating Your Costs

To ensure profitability, calculate all costs associated with producing a real estate video. These costs may include:

  • Equipment costs: Camera, lenses, drones, tripods, stabilizers, lighting, and audio equipment.

  • Software costs: Video editing software, music licensing, and graphic design tools.

  • Travel expenses: Fuel, vehicle maintenance, or accommodation if you travel for shoots.

  • Labor costs: Time spent shooting, editing, and any additional post-production work.

  • Insurance: Professional liability and equipment insurance can add to your expenses.

Understanding these costs helps ensure you charge enough to cover your expenses and make a profit. A common method is to calculate your total costs per project and add a markup for profit, typically between 20% to 50%.

4. Considering the Scope of Work

The complexity and scope of the project will significantly impact your rates. Some properties require more effort and time to shoot and edit than others. Factors to consider include:

  • Property size: Larger properties take more time to shoot and edit, requiring higher fees.

  • Video length: Longer videos involve more footage and editing time, increasing the cost.

  • Special features: Incorporating drone footage, 3D tours, or high-end graphics can increase production complexity and cost.

  • Revisions: Offering a certain number of revisions as part of your package is common practice. Charging extra for additional revisions can help manage workload and costs.

5. Setting Your Pricing Model

There are various pricing models you can adopt, depending on your business strategy and client needs:

  • Per-hour rates: Charging by the hour is straightforward and can be suitable for projects where the scope is unclear. Rates typically range from $50 to $150 per hour, depending on experience and location.

  • Fixed project rates: This model involves setting a flat fee for each project, providing clients with a clear expectation of cost. It's a popular option as it provides certainty for both parties.

  • Package rates: Offering different packages with varying levels of service (e.g., basic, standard, premium) allows clients to choose a package that suits their budget and needs. A basic package might include a simple video shoot and edit, while a premium package could offer drone footage, virtual tours, and extensive post-production.

6. Adding Value to Your Services

To justify higher rates, consider offering additional value to your clients. This could include:

  • Drone footage: Aerial views can showcase the property and its surroundings more dynamically, often justifying higher fees.

  • Virtual tours: 360-degree virtual tours have become increasingly popular, providing an interactive experience for potential buyers.

  • Script writing and voiceovers: Professional narration or scripts can enhance the quality of your videos.

  • Social media clips: Short, engaging clips optimized for social media platforms can be an additional service.

  • Highlight reels: Creating highlight reels for multiple properties can be a valuable service for real estate agents managing several listings.

7. Building Long-term Relationships

Offering competitive rates for real estate videography can be an effective way to build long-term relationships with clients. Real estate agents and firms often have ongoing needs for videography services, and establishing yourself as their go-to videographer can provide a steady stream of work. Consider offering discounted rates for repeat business or package deals for multiple property shoots. Building trust and delivering consistent quality can lead to referrals and recommendations, further expanding your client base.

8. Negotiation and Flexibility

Real estate videography rates can sometimes be negotiable, especially when working with smaller agencies or individual realtors with limited budgets. Being flexible and open to negotiation can help secure more projects, particularly when you're starting. However, it's essential to ensure that negotiated rates still cover your costs and provide reasonable profit margins. Flexibility should not come at the expense of undervaluing your work.

9. Marketing Your Services

Setting the right price is only part of the equation; effectively marketing your services is also crucial. Use your website, social media platforms, and professional networks to showcase your work. Creating a compelling portfolio and highlight reel that demonstrates your skills and the value of your services can attract potential clients. Offering testimonials from satisfied clients can also build credibility and trust, making clients more willing to pay your asking rates.


Determining how much to charge for real estate videography involves considering various factors, including market rates, your skill level, costs, project scope, and the value-added services you can offer. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can set competitive rates that attract clients while ensuring profitability. As you gain experience and build a reputation, you can adjust your rates to reflect your growing expertise and the high-quality services you provide. Ultimately, finding the right balance between affordability and quality will help you succeed in the real estate videography market.

Linh Peter 2009