11 Tips to Prepare a Home in Orange County for Professional Real Estate Photography

Real estate photography is a critical aspect of selling or renting a home, as high-quality images can significantly influence a buyer's first impression and their interest in the property. Preparing a home for a photoshoot goes beyond mere tidying up; it involves thoughtful staging and strategic adjustments to highlight the property’s best features. Here are 11 essential tips to ensure your home is picture-perfect and ready for professional real estate photography.

1. Declutter Every Room

One of the most important steps in preparing a home for real estate photography is decluttering. A cluttered space can distract potential buyers and make rooms appear smaller and less inviting. Remove unnecessary items such as excess furniture, knick-knacks, magazines, and personal belongings. Aim for a clean and minimalist look that highlights the space rather than the items within it.

2. Deep Clean All Areas

A clean home is more appealing and photographable. Dust all surfaces, clean the windows, vacuum carpets, mop floors, and polish mirrors. Pay extra attention to kitchens and bathrooms, as these areas are often deal-breakers for buyers. Make sure countertops, sinks, and appliances are spotless. Don’t forget less obvious areas like baseboards, light switches, and door handles.

3. Depersonalize the Space

Depersonalizing your home helps potential buyers envision themselves living there. Remove family photos, personalized items, and any memorabilia that could distract viewers. The goal is to create a neutral space where buyers can imagine their own belongings. This step also includes removing any religious or political items that might not appeal to all buyers.

4. Maximize Natural Light

Natural light can make spaces appear larger, brighter, and more welcoming. Before the photographer arrives, open all curtains and blinds to let in as much natural light as possible. Consider cleaning the windows to remove any streaks or smudges that could block light. If the home is dark, turn on all interior lights, including lamps and under-cabinet lighting, to enhance the room’s warmth and appeal.

5. Stage Each Room

Staging is the art of arranging furniture and décor to highlight the home’s best features. Start by defining the purpose of each room; for example, a spare bedroom should be set up as a bedroom or a home office. Rearrange or replace furniture to create a natural flow, making sure each room feels spacious and inviting. Add tasteful decorations like fresh flowers, throw pillows, or artwork to add character and warmth without overwhelming the space.

6. Focus on Curb Appeal

The exterior of the home is just as important as the interior. Start by mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and removing weeds. Sweep driveways and walkways, and make sure the front porch is clean and welcoming. Consider adding potted plants, a fresh doormat, or a seasonal wreath to enhance the entrance. If necessary, power wash the siding or touch up the paint on the front door.

7. Set the Dining Table

A well-set dining table can create a sense of elegance and hospitality. Use simple, neutral-colored tableware, and avoid over-the-top decorations. A centerpiece, such as a bowl of fruit or a vase of flowers, can add a touch of color and life to the scene. Make sure the chairs are evenly spaced and the table is clean and polished.

8. Remove Personal Hygiene Items

In bathrooms and bedrooms, remove personal hygiene items such as toothbrushes, shampoos, and razors. Instead, use neatly folded towels, decorative soaps, and clean bath mats to create a spa-like atmosphere. Make sure mirrors are spotless and that countertops are clear of clutter.

9. Check the Small Details

Sometimes, it’s the small details that make a big difference in a photo. Look around each room and check for anything that might detract from the image. This includes hiding exposed cords, fixing crooked picture frames, and making sure all light bulbs are working. Pay attention to details like ensuring toilet lids are closed, pet items are hidden, and that there are no dishes in the sink.

10. Enhance Outdoor Living Spaces

If your home has outdoor living areas like a patio, deck, or backyard, make sure these spaces are ready for their close-up. Arrange outdoor furniture attractively, add cushions, and consider setting the table if there is an outdoor dining area. Make sure the grill is clean, and that any pool or hot tub is sparkling. Remove any dead plants, and make sure landscaping is well-maintained.

11. Secure Pets and Minimize Their Presence

Pets can be a distraction in real estate photos. On the day of the shoot, it's best to take pets out of the house or keep them in a confined area. Remove pet toys, food bowls, and beds from the rooms being photographed. Make sure to vacuum pet hair from furniture and carpets to ensure the home looks as clean and neutral as possible.

Bonus Tip: Schedule the Photoshoot at the Right Time

The timing of the photoshoot can greatly affect the quality of the images. Schedule the shoot when the natural light is optimal, typically during the late morning or early afternoon. For exterior shots, avoid harsh shadows by shooting on a slightly overcast day or during the golden hour, just after sunrise or before sunset, when the light is soft and flattering.


Preparing a home for professional real estate photography involves attention to detail, cleanliness, and a touch of staging to ensure the property is presented in the best possible light. By following these 11 tips, you can enhance the appeal of your home and attract more potential buyers. High-quality photographs can make a significant difference in how quickly a property sells and at what price, so taking the time to prepare properly is well worth the effort.

Linh Peter 2009